Manufacturers, Processors, and Suppliers
We offer property and liability insurance solutions tailored to meet the needs of manufacturers, processors, and suppliers. We provide programs for operations that are just starting up as well as those that are well established.
Food products
Industrial processing
And many more eligible operations
Package policies that offer coverage such as:
Equipment breakdown coverage including production machinery
Patterns, molds, and dies
Products liability
Employee-related practices coverage
Product recall expense
Transportation coverage
Crime and fidelity
Off-premises power interruption, including overhead transmission lines
Loss of business income, including extra expense and leasehold interest
Earthquake coverage
Contingent business income where suppliers have damage and can’t produce
Selling price of finished stock
Food contamination/food spoilage
Cyber liability
Employee-related practices coverage
Data compromise/identity theft
Property of others in your care, custody, or control
Other features aspects that we can accommodate:
Multi-state operations, including state specific workers’ compensation
Loss control services